- Virtual Private Networks (5)
- Self-Hosted Network Security (8)
- Mix Networks (3)
- Proxies (2)
- DNS Providers (3)
- DNS Clients (6)
- Firewalls (14)
- Ad Blockers (9)
- Host Block Lists (6)
- Router Firmware (2)
- Network Analysis (4)
- Intrusion Detection (5)
- Cloud Hosting (3)
- Domain Registrars (2)
- DNS Hosting (1)
- Mail Servers (3)
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Awesome Privacy is a collection of privacy-respecting services and tools. The aim is to help you escape big tech, and choose software that respects your privacy.
Why? Because privacy is a fundamental human right; without it, we're just open books in a world where everyone's watching. Let's take control back.
Noticed something that should be added / removed / ammended? We're a community-driven resource, so welcome contributions of any nature. All content and code is open source.
If you've found Awesome Privacy useful, help us out by sharing it with others, contributing, or consider sponsoring me on GitHub.