Established in 2017, BitChute is a video hosting service that offers a platform for uploaders to evade the content restrictions found on other sites like YouTube.
- Homepage:
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- Web info:
BitChute Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy Summary
- Prohibits the posting of pornographic content
- The service promises to inform and/or notify users regarding government inquiries that may involve users' personal data
- The service is provided 'as is' and to be used at the users' sole risk
- There is a date of the last update of the terms
- The service can sell or otherwise transfer your personal data as part of a bankruptcy proceeding or other type of financial transaction.
- You maintain ownership of your data
- You can opt out of promotional communications
- Failure to enforce any provision of the Terms of Service does not constitute a waiver of such provision
- The service provides information about how they intend to use your personal data
- Your personal data is used for limited purposes
- You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold the service harmless in case of a claim related to your use of the service
- The service can delete your account without prior notice and without a reason
- Users who have been permanently banned from this service are not allowed to re-register under a new account
- This service holds onto content that you've deleted
- The service does not guarantee accuracy or reliability of the information provided
- You have the right to leave this service at any time
- Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user
- The court of law governing the terms is in England
- Instead of asking directly, this Service will assume your consent merely from your usage.
- Any liability on behalf of the service is only limited to the fees you paid as a user or $100
- Invalidity of any portion of the Terms of Service does not entail invalidity of its remainder
- This service is only available to users over 16 years of age
- The service provider makes no warranty regarding uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free service
- They may stop providing the service at any time
- If you are the target of a copyright claim, your content may be removed
- The service provides information about its attitude towards ethical, social or political problems or controversies
- This service assumes no liability for any losses or damages resulting from any matter relating to the service
- Your personal data is not sold
- The user is informed about security practices
- The service provides details about what kinds of personal information they collect
- User accounts can be terminated after having been in breach of the terms of service repeatedly
- If you offer suggestions to the service, they may use that without your approval or compensation, but they do not become the owner
- This service does not guarantee that it or the products obtained through it meet the users' expectations or requirements
- Users agree not to submit libelous, harassing or threatening content
- Prohibits the posting of content which promotes or glorifies violence or politically or religiously extremist values.
- Copyright license limited for the purposes of that same service but transferable and sublicenseable
- Terms of ServiceCreated 24 Jan 19, Last modified 2 years ago
- Community GuidelinesCreated 24 Jan 19, Last modified 2 years ago
- Community GuidelinesCreated 28 Jun 20, Last modified 3 years ago
- Privacy PolicyCreated 24 Jan 19, Last modified 2 years ago
- Terms & ConditionsCreated 28 Jun 20, Last modified 2 years ago
- Cookie PolicyCreated 24 Jan 19, Last modified 2 years ago
About the Data
This data is kindly provided by Read full report at: #513
BitChute Website
BitChute puts creators first and provides them with a service that they can use to flourish and express their ideas freely.
Does not redirect
Security Checks
1 security checks failed (65 passed)
- Password Field Present
Server Details
- IP Address
- Location San Francisco, California, United States of America, NA
- ISP CloudFlare Inc.
- ASN AS13335
Associated Countries
Saftey Score
Website marked as safe
Blacklist Check was found on 0 blacklists
- ThreatLog
- OpenPhish
- PhishTank
- Phishing.Database
- PhishStats
- URLhaus
- RPiList Not Serious
- AntiSocial Blacklist
- PhishFeed
- NABP Not Recommended Sites
- Spam404
- Artists Against 419
- CERT Polska
- PetScams
- Suspicious Hosting IP
- Phishunt
- CoinBlockerLists
- MetaMask EthPhishing
- EtherScamDB
- EtherAddressLookup
- ViriBack C2 Tracker
- Bambenek Consulting
- Badbitcoin
- SecureReload Phishing List
- Fake Website Buster
- TweetFeed
- CryptoScamDB
- StopGunScams
- ThreatFox
- PhishFort
Website Preview
BitChute Reviews
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A federated video platform leveraging peer-to-peer technology to decrease server load during video streaming. Supports self-hosting or joining existing instances, enabling video viewing from any PeerTube server.
A decentralized, ad-free video platform emphasizing minimal moderation. It rewards users with cryptocurrency, leveraging blockchain technology.
About the Data: BitChute
You can access BitChute's data programmatically via our API.
Simply make a GET
request to:
The REST API is free, no-auth and CORS-enabled. To learn more, view the Swagger Docs or read the API Usage Guide.
About the Data
Beyond the user-submitted YAML you see above, we also augment each listing with additional data dynamically fetched from several sources. To learn more about where the rest of data included in this page comes from, and how it is computed, see the About the Data section of our About page.
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